Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Hopeless to Hopeful

Yesterday we got the sad news for sure, Chili's pups have died, why?  No one seems to know but God and he's not giving up the reason yet.  Sometimes we learn it, sometimes we don't, but what will be, will be, and we have no choice but to accept it and deal with it as best we can.

It was so very sad to see the little sacs with tiny, motionless beings in them and no signs of any life.  It was the second time in two days to see that, it only got worse the second time because the final word was no hope.

Luckily Chili is fine, she does not seem to be bothered by it.  The puppies should reabsorb.  We will go back to check in 3 weeks, I will again do lots of tests on her to see if a problem can be found, but sometimes there is no known reason why dogs of both sexes become infertile.  But I am not ready to give up on her just yet, she is too good of a dog to give up hope for more pups from her.  There is no better friend to us and mother to her pups, she has the greatest temperament (she loves every man, woman, child and critter on the planet), the best attitude about life (she enjoys every moment to the fullest, whatever comes her way, life is nothing but fun for her), does anything we ask of her, she is beyond fearless, her list of good things is longer than my list of words could ever be.  We need more Mudis like her, so I will try again next time to make a few more "little Chili's" as long as she is willing to try too.  We almost did it this time, hopefully next time we will succeed!

Mennyei Lélek "Remy"
As sad as this is, we have to move on.  You cannot dwell in the land of sorrows or it will engulf you and ruin your life.  So we have to pick up the pieces and try to make hope filled plans again.  We have decided to breed Remy this year, IF we can find a suitable male for her, which is far harder than easy, even living in the land of the Mudi does not mean there are good studs pouring out of the puszta.  We insist on breeding for many things, a well rounded Mudi is what the world needs, but the top of the list is still a reduced risk for epilepsy.  So if we can find a good match for Remy, we will breed her this year. Being a Chili daughter, she is quite special and every girl deserves to have a special guy, so we will wait till we find her perfect prince charming.

This fall we will make a very eagerly awaited litter and we hope for little brown and brown merle Christmas presents under the tree.  We will breed Jóság to Attila!  I will fly with Jóság over to meet her prince charming in the USA (who happens to be Chili's son and Remy's brother) this fall when she will come back into heat, she is currently in heat now, but it is not the best timing to jump on a plane and breed her, as much as we considered it these past days believe me.  I will post more information about the litter soon!  But the list for pups is already growing, so if you want one, you better get on the flight quick!  We will only consider proven sport homes for this litter as the activity level of Jóság's last litter of pups tends to be above what we normally have experienced.  Until then, may hope and happiness find its way to your side in the shape of a Mudi.  Viszlát!  

Örök Jóság "Jósi"
Mokány Lator "Attila"