Sunday, January 27, 2013

Hearts and Souls

It is with broken hearts that we write this post.  Yesterday, our most beloved Fecske left this earthly life to become another member of God's Garden.  It was sudden and totally unexpected.  We do not know what illness felled her, but she was the epitome of grace and dignity to the end as the Grande Dame she always was.  She was Péter's soul mate dog, and the soul of our home. We will miss her forever.

Pásztor-Virtus Fecske
May 9, 2001 - January 26, 2013

1 comment:

  1. Hallo Peter und celeste i have seen this coment today i am so traurig, csok gone last year on 18.04.2019 it was the hartest day of my live she was long time very ill, she hat a heart attack and longtime Diabetes .i missed her all day.
    I hope you are all okay. When you want give me an answer i wher very happy to here from you. I am loocking for a cifra mudi Boy, when enithing know please call me. Thats my Handy number 0173 3889039.
    Best whishes and huggs to you
    Monika Degli-Eredi
